I'm A.J.Preto, always eager to learn and happy to face new challenges.
I have a lot of experience finding creative solutions for demanding problems.
To do that, I continually expand my toolset.
About Me
1994 is the year I was born. It is also the year the Lion
King, The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction were released. A pretty good year.

Growing up, I grew an interest in reading. About anything
really, from Tintin to Dostoevsky, through Sagan and pretty much any book I could grab.
As I kept on reading, I also developed an interest in
science. The drive to both of them was curiosity regarding the functioning of stuff, so it
is not really that surprising they usually come holding hands, with philosophy lurking

When entering University, the interests seemed to only unfold
broader and deeper. That can be quite challenging, but what is the point otherwise?
Interacting with other people also showed it can be quite overwhelming, but, nevertheless,
essential to actually accomplishing something nowadays.
Many things change, and when I edit this page in the future I
bet I will erase many childish remarks, and unnecessary comments. However, the one constant
that is yet to disappoint me is curiosity. I believe that will remain relevant, and the
driving force for my actions.

Academic Qualifications
- 2018-2023: PhD in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, University of Coimbra
- 2015-2017: Master's Degree in Biochemistry, Life Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra
- 2013-2018: Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, University of Coimbra, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- 2012-2015: Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry, University of Coimbra, Life Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra
Online Certificates
- 2024: Differential Expression Analysis with limma in R, by DataCamp
- 2024: RNA-Seq with Bioconductor in R, by DataCamp
- 2024: Hypothesis Testing in Python, by DataCamp
- 2023: Intermediate SQL, by DataCamp
- 2023: Introduction to SQL, by DataCamp
- 2023: Software Engineering Principles in Python, DataCamp
- 2023: Azure: Create a Virtual Machine and Deploy a Web Server, by Coursera
- 2023: Big data, by Xpand IT
- 2023: HTML, by Team.it
- 2023: Python, by Synopsis
- 2023: SQL, by BNP Paribas
- 2022: NCC Portugal AI for Science Bootcamp, OpenACC
- 2022: Introduction to Git and GitHub, Coursera
- 2022: Create Your First Web App with Python and Flask, Coursera
- 2022: Python Data Science - Ranking in the top 10%, TestDome
- 2022: Python - Ranking in the top 10%, TestDome
- 2021: Post-university training in clinical neuropsychology, Cognos
- 2020: Full Stack Web Development with Flask, Pirple
- 2020: Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, DataCamp
- 2020: Python Data Science Toolbox (Part I), DataCamp
- 2020: Intermediate Python, DataCamp
- 2020: Introduction to Python, DataCamp
Multi-omics data integration identifies novel biomarkers and patient subgroups in
inflammatory bowel disease
António José Preto, Shaurya Chanana, Daniel Ence, Matthew D. Healy, Daniel Domingo-Fernandéz, Kiana A. West
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 2025
- Evaluating the generalizability of graph neural networks for predicting
collision cross section
Chloe Engler Hart, António José Preto, Shaurya Chanana, David Healey, Tobias Kind, Daniel Domingo-Fernandéz
Journal of Cheminformatics, 2024
- Natural Products Have Increased Rates of Clinical Trial Success throughout the
Drug Development Process
Daniel Domingo-Fernandéz, Yojana Gadiya, António José Preto, Christoph A. Krettler, Sarah Mubeen, August Allen, David Healey, Viswa Colluru
Journal of Natural Products, 2024
- Advancing Drug Safety in Drug Development: Bridging Computational Predictions
for Enhanced Toxicity Prediction
Ana M. B. Amorim, Luiz F. Piochi, Ana T. Gaspar, António J. Preto, Nícia Rosário-Ferreira, Irina S. Moreira
Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2024
- POSEIDON: Peptidic Objects SEquence-based Interaction with cellular DOmaiNs: a
new database and predictor
António J. Preto, Ana B. Caniceiro, Francisco Duarte, Hugo Fernandes, Lino Ferreira, Joana Mourão, Irina S. Moreira
Journal of Cheminformatics, 16 (18), 2024
- DELFOS—Drug Efficacy Leveraging Forked and Specialized Networks—Benchmarking
scRNA-seq data in multi-omics-based prediction of cancer sensitivity
Luiz Felipe Piochi, António J. Preto, Irina S. Moreira
Bioinformatics, btad645, 2023
- MUG: A mutation overview of GPCR subfamily A17 receptors
Ana B. Caniceiro, Beatriz Bueschbell, Carlos A. V. Barreto, António J. Preto, Irina S. Moreira
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, vol. 21, 586-600, 2023
- DrugTax: package for drug taxonomy identification and explainable feature
Preto, A.J., Correia, P.C., Moreira, I.S.
Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 14, 73, 2022
- Arrestin and G Protein Interactions with GPCRs: A Structural Perspective
Carlos A. V. Barreto, Salete J. Baptista, Beatriz Bueschbell, Pedro R. Magalhães, António J. Preto, Agostinho Lemos, Nícia Rosário-Ferreira, Anke S.Schiedel, Miguel Machuqueiro, Rita Melo, Irina S. Moreira
GPCRs as Therapeutic Targets, Chapter 5, 2022
- SYNPRED: prediction of drug combination effects in cancer using different
synergy metrics and ensemble learning
António J. Preto, Pedro Matos-Filipe, Joana Mourão, Irina S Moreira
GigaScience, vol. 11, giac087, 2022
- From single-omics to interactomics: How can ligand-induced perturbations
modulate single-cell phenotypes?
L. F. Piochi, A. T. Gaspar, N. Rosário-Ferreira A. J. Preto, I. S. Moreira
Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, vol. 131, 45-83, 2022
- Targeting GPCRs Via Multi-Platforms Arrays and AI
A. J. Preto, C. Marques-Pereira, Salete J. Baptista, B. Bueschbell, Carlos A. V. Barreto, A. T. Gaspar, I. Pinheiro, N. Pereira, M. Pires, D. Ramalhão, D. Silvério, N. Rosário-Ferreira, R. Melo, J. Mourão, I. S. Moreira
Comprehensive Pharmacology, Chapter 2 (08), 135-162, 2022
- MENSAdb: a thorough structural analysis of membrane protein dimers
Pedro Matos-Filipe*, António J. Preto*, Panagiotis I. Koukos, Joana Mourão, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin, Irina S. Moreira, * joint first authors
Database, vol. 2021, baab013, 2021
- Decoding Partner Specificity of Opioid Receptor Family
Carlos A. V. Barreto, Salete J Baptista, António J. Preto, Daniel Silvério, Rita Melo, Irina S. Moreira
fronties in Molecular Biosciences, vol. 8, 715215, 2021
- SPOTONE: Hot Spots on Protein Complexes with Extremely Randomized Trees via
Sequence-Only Features
A. J. Preto, Irina S. Moreira
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 21(19), 7281, 2020
- Predicting Hot Spots Using a Deep Neural Network Approach
A. J. Preto, Pedro Matos-Filipe, José G. de Almeida, Joana Mourão, Irina S. Moreira
Artificial Neural Networks, Methods in Molecular Biology book series, vol. 2190, 267-288, 2020
- Understanding the Binding Specificity of G-Protein Coupled Receptors toward
G-Proteins and Arrestins: Application to the Dopamine Receptor Family
A. J. Preto, Carlos A. V. Barreto, Salete J. Baptista, José Guilherme de Almeida, Agostinho Lemos, André Melo, M. Natália D. S. Cordeiro, Zeynep Kurkcuoglu, Rita Melo, Irina S. Moreira
Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling, vol. 60(8), 3969-3984, 2020
- The Central Role of Non-Structural Protein 1 (NS1) in Influenza Biology and
Nícia Rosário-Ferreira, A. J. Preto, Rita Melo, Irina S. Moreira and Rui M. M. Brito
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 21(4), 1511, 2020
- An Overview of Antiretroviral Agents for Treating HIV Infection in Paediatric
Melo, R.; Lemos, Agostinho; Preto, António J.; Bueschbell, Beatriz; Matos-Filipe, Pedro; Barreto, Carlos; Almeida, José G.; Silva, Rúben D. M.; Correia, João D. G.; Moreira, Irina S
Current Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 27(5), 760-794, 2020
- Prediction and targeting of GPCR oligomer interfaces
Carlos A. V. Barreto, Salete J. Baptista, António José Preto, Pedro Matos-Filipe, Joana Mourão, Rita Melo, Irina Moreira
Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, vol. 169, 105-149, 2020
- A complete assessment of dopamine receptor-ligand interactions through
computational methods
Beatriz Bueschbell, Carlos A. V. Barreto, António J. Preto, Anke C. Schiedel, Irina S. Moreira
Molecules, vol. 24(7), 1196, 2019
- Structural Characterization of Membrane Protein Dimers
António J. Preto, Pedro Matos-Filipe, Panagiotis I. Koukos, Pedro Renault, Sérgio F. Sousa, Irina S. Moreira
Protein Supersecondary Structures, part of the Methods in Moleculer Biology book series, vol. 1958, 403-436, 2019
- In Silico Studies Targeting G-protein Coupled Receptors for Drug Research
Against Parkinson's Disease
Lemos, Agostinho; Melo, Rita; Preto, António J.; Almeida, José Guilherme; Moreira, Irina Sousa; Dias Soeiro Cordeiro, Maria Natália
Current Neuropharmacology, vol. 16(6), 786-848, 2018
- Computational Approaches in Antibody-drug Conjugate Optimization for Targeted
Cancer Therapy
Melo, Rita; Lemos, Agostinho; Preto, António J.; Almeida, José G.; Correia, João D. G.; Sensoy Ozge; Moreira, Irina S.
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 18(13), 1091-1109, 2018
- Computational Tools for the Structural Characterization of Proteins and Their
Complexes from Sequence-Evolutionary Data
Preto, António J.; Almeida, José G.; Schaarschmidt, Joerg; Xue, Li C.; Moreira Irina S.; Bonvin, Alexandre M. J. J; Meyers, Robert A.
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, 1-19, 2018
- Alpha-helical and beta-sheet membrane- membrane protein dimers: centralizing
Pedro Matos-Filipe, António José Preto, Panos Koukos, Alexandre Bonvin, Irina Moreira
MOL2NET'17, Conference on Molecular, Biomedical and Computational Sciences and Engineering, 3, 2017
- Creating a valid in silico Dopamine D2-receptor model for small molecular
docking studies
Beatriz Bueschbell, António J. Preto, Carlos A. V. Barreto, Anke C. Schiedel, Irina S. Moreira
MOL2NET, International Conference Series on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 3, 2017
- Membrane proteins structures: A review on computational modeling tools
José G. Almeida *, António J. Preto*, Panagiotis I. Koukos, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin, Irina S. Moreira, * joint first authors
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1859(10), 2021-2039, 2017
- A bioinformatics approach for the understanding of membrane protein
António José Preto Martins Gomes
Master's Degree Thesis, Master's Degree in Biochemistry, University of Coimbra, advisors: Professor Ana Luísa Carvalho and Professor Irina S. Moreira 2017
- SpotOn: High Accuracy Identification of Protein-Protein Interface
Irina S. Moreira, Panagiotis I. Koukos, Rita Melo, José G. Almeida, António J. Preto, Joerg Schaarschmidt, Mikael Trellet, Zeynep H. Gumus, Joaquim Costa, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin
Scientific Reports, vol. 7, 8007, 2017
- Coevolution importance on binding Hot-Spot prediction methods
José G. Almeida, António J. Preto, Rita Melo, Zeynep H. Gumus, Joaquim Costa, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin, Irina S. Moreira
MOL2NET 2016, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 2, 2016
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- Present
If you wish to contact me please do it through martinsgomes.jose@gmail.com or any of the social networks displayed at the bottom of the navigation menu.